Terms & Conditions - Prensil Eyewear

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1.   Definitions     
2.   Object      
3.   Conclusion of the Purchase and Sale Contracts      
4.   Availability of Products      
5.   Price and shipping costs      
6.   Method of sending Orders      
7.   Payment methods      
8.   Shipping and delivery of the Products      
9.   Right of withdrawal      
10. Defects / discrepancies in the Products    
11. Privacy
12. Errors and/or inaccuracies in the Online Shop    
13. Intellectual Property    
14. Applicable law    
15. Contacts    

1. Definitions
The terms and phrases listed below have the meaning indicated below, it being understood that the terms defined in the singular are also considered defined in the plural and vice versa.
· Customer: means any person (natural or legal person) who purchases one or more Products through the Online Shop, accepting the General Conditions.        
· Company: means Prensil Sas with registered office in Via Dei Frentani 60, Chieti, Italy, company owner of the Prensil brand and concessionaire for the retail sale of the Products through the Online Shop.        
· Parties: means jointly the Company and the Customers.        
· General Conditions: means these general conditions of sale and any future new versions that may be published in the Online Shop by Prensil Sas.        
· Online Shop: means the virtual shop, managed by and accessible via the URL https://www.prensil.it , through which it is possible to purchase the Products.        
· Purchase and Sale Contracts: means the contracts for the purchase and sale of the Products concluded, pursuant to art. 3., between and Customers through the Online Shop.        
· Orders: means purchase orders for the Products sent by Customers, in accordance with the General Conditions and following the procedure referred to in the art. 6.        
· Order Confirmation: means the e-mail message through which the acceptance of the Orders is communicated to the Customers.        
· Price: means the selling price of the Products as indicated in the Online Shop corresponding to the Products themselves.        
· Products: means the products published in the Online Shop for the purpose of their sale.        
· Profile: means the area of ​​the Online Shop in which Customers can, after authentication: (i) view and modify their personal data and the addresses where the Products covered by the Orders must be shipped and delivered; (ii) view previous Orders; (iii) access any other specific function relating to their activity in the Online Shop.        

2. Object
2.1 The General Conditions govern all Sales Contracts and constitute an integral part thereof.
2.2 It reserves the right to modify the General Conditions at any time, without prejudice to the fact that those published in the Online Shop at the time the Orders are sent by the Customers will be considered applicable to the Sales Contracts.
2.3 In case of conflict between the General Conditions and any other terms and conditions relating to the Sales Contracts published in the Online Shop, the most favorable terms and conditions for Customers will apply.

3. Conclusion of the Purchase and Sale Contracts
3.1 It undertakes to send the Order Confirmation to the Customers within 2 working days of receipt of the Orders from the Customers.
3.2 The Sales Contracts are considered concluded between the Parties when the Customers receive the Order Confirmation. If Customers do not receive the Order Confirmation within the deadline indicated in the art. 3.1, the relevant Order must be considered rejected by and, therefore, ineffective.
3.3 By sending Orders, Customers declare that they have read all the instructions relating to the method of purchasing the Products referred to in the art. 6 and to have fully accepted the General Conditions as well as to have read all the further information contained in the Online Shop, also referred to via links.
3.4 Orders will be archived in the Online Shop database, according to the methods and in compliance with the provisions of the Legislative Decree. 06.30.2003 n. 196 (“Privacy”) and will be accessible by contacting the references referred to in the art. 16.

4. Availability of Products
4.1 Without prejudice to the provisions of art. 4.6, for each Product published in the Online Shop, indicates whether the same:
(i) is available in its warehouses;
(ii) is not available in its warehouses;
(iii) is available “on request”;
(iv) it is “customizable”.
4.2 The type of Products published in the Online Shop and their availability may vary at any time without this entailing any liability for Prensil Sas towards Customers.
4.3 The indication relating to the availability of the Products is not binding, it being understood that the Products indicated as "not available" pursuant to art. 4.1 (ii) cannot be ordered by Customers. In the event of unexpected unavailability of a Product indicated as available at the time the Order was sent by a Customer, without prejudice to the provisions of the art. 3.2, Prensil Sas undertakes to indicate to this Customer, in a subsequent communication by e-mail, the indicative times expected for a new availability of the Product/s covered by the Order sent by the Customer. The Customer can withdraw the Order within 48 hours of receiving this communication from Prensil Sas (without prejudice to the right of withdrawal referred to in art. 9) by sending an e-mail to the address specified in art. 15. In this case you undertake to refund the Price as quickly as possible.
4.4 If next to a Product there is the indication available "on request" it means that such Product, at that moment, is not available in the warehouses but that it will be ordered from the central warehouses of Prensil Sas after the Customer has ordered it. ordered Prensil Sas.
4.5 If the indication "customizable" appears next to a Product, it means that this Product can be modified/adapted/personalized according to the specific requests of the Customers. In this case, Customers must specify their requests in the appropriate space when sending the Orders. After sending the Order Confirmation, it undertakes to communicate to the Customers, by e-mail, the expected deadline for shipping the customized Product. While undertaking to do everything in its power to ensure compliance with this deadline, the same is to be understood as merely indicative and does not imply any obligation for Prensil Sas;
4.6 Prensil Sas reserves the right not to indicate the availability of some Products published in the Online Shop.

5. Price and shipping costs; taxes and duties
5.1 The Price is expressed in € (Euros). The applicable Price is the one published in the Online Shop at the time the Orders are sent by Customers.
5.2 The Price includes VAT (22%) if the Products are shipped by Prensil Sas and delivered within the European Union. If the Products are shipped by Prensil Sas and delivered outside the European Union, the Price is exclusive of VAT.
5.3 The Price does not include shipping costs. It reserves the right to ask Customers for a contribution towards shipping costs which may vary depending on the type of delivery, the quantity of Products to be delivered, their volume, their weight and their destination.
5.4 The contribution required for shipping costs is indicated, separately from the Price, before the Customers send the Order and will be paid by the Customers together and at the same time as the payment of the Price according to the methods set out in the art. 7.
5.5 Any taxes, duties, duties and other charges provided for by the laws of the State where the Products are shipped and delivered will be entirely borne by the Customers and paid by them upon delivery of the Products, directly to the competent tax or customs authorities or to the courier responsible for delivery.

6. Method of sending Orders
6.1 In order to proceed with sending the Orders, Customers are required to register in the Online Shop by entering all the "mandatory" data and choosing a password to send the Orders and to access, even at a later time, their Profile.
6.2 Customers can purchase the Products by selecting them in the section of the Online Shop dedicated to the type of Product sought and placing them in the "cart". Once the choice of Products has been completed, Customers must, if they have not already done so previously, proceed with the registration referred to in the art. 6.1 or, if already registered, they must authenticate by entering their e-mail address and password in the appropriate spaces and clicking on "go to checkout". Once the correctness of the data relating to the chosen Product(s) and the "shipping information" has been verified, Customers must choose the payment method referred to in the art. 7. Once the payment method has been chosen, Customers can proceed with sending the Orders by clicking on "send".
6.3 Ordering as a "guest" is permitted: the data provided by the Customer when sending the order will not be stored, but used solely for processing the order; any sending of other orders by the Customer, even if in the same session, will require the insertion of one's data again.

7. Payment methods
7.1 Customers can pay the Price and the contribution for shipping costs referred to in the art. 5 via PayPal, or other means of payment that may be indicated by Prensil Sas in the Online Shop. We reserve the right to vary, at any time, the means of payment that can be used by Customers, without prejudice to the fact that those published in the Online shop at the time of sending the Orders by Customers will be considered usable.
7.2 In case of payment via PayPal, when the Customers send the Orders, the Web session will be transferred to PayPal's secure website. On this website, Customers can complete the payment of the Price and the contribution for shipping costs referred to in the art. 5 using their PayPal account and according to the conditions of use of the PayPal service signed by the Customers at that time or previously. The charging of the Price and the contribution for shipping costs referred to in the art. 5 on the Customers' PayPal account takes place at the same time as the Order Confirmation is sent by Prensil Sas.
7.3 If requested by the Customers at the same time as sending the Orders, Prensil Sas will send the Customers a regular invoice, via e-mail or post. For the purposes of issuing the invoice, the information provided by the Customers is valid. No change to the invoice will be possible after its issuance by Prensil Sas.
7.4 The information received pursuant to this article 7 will be used exclusively to complete the procedures relating to the sale of the Products and for the reimbursement procedures in case of exercise of the right of withdrawal referred to in the art. 9. by Customers.

8. Shipping and delivery of the Products
8.1 Given that "shipping" of the Products by Prensil Sas means their delivery to the couriers selected from time to time pursuant to art. 8.2, is not required to ship the Products until it has received payment of the Price (except for cash on delivery); once payment of the Price has been received, it undertakes to ship the Products:
(i) in the case of available Products (as defined in art. 4.):
- within 5 working days of receiving the debit authorization communication referred to in 'art. 7.2 in case of payment via PayPal;
(ii) in the case of available Products that have become unavailable (as defined in art. 4.3), within 3 working days from the moment in which such Product or such Products are again available at the Prensil Sas warehouses, without prejudice to the Customer's right to withdraw the Order pursuant to the same art. 4.3;
(iii) in the case of Products "on request" (as defined in art. 4.4.), within 3 working days from the moment they are available at the Prensil Sas warehouses;
(iv) in the case of "customized" Products, (as defined in art. 4.5.), within 3 working days from the moment they are available at the Prensil Sas warehouses;
(v) in the event that the availability of one or more Products is not indicated (as per the option referred to in art. 4.6) and the Products are available at the Prensil Sas warehouses at the time the Order is sent by the Customers:
- within 3 working days of receiving the debit authorization communication referred to in the art. 7.2 in case of payment by credit card;
(vi) in the event that the availability of one or more Products is not indicated (as per the option referred to in art. 4.6) and the Products are not available at the Prensil Sas warehouses at the time the Order is sent by of the Customers, within 3 working days from the moment the Products are available at the Prensil Sas warehouses.
8.2 The shipment of the Products is guaranteed, in the countries indicated in the Online Shop, via express couriers selected from time to time depending on the Product covered by the Order and the place of destination. The Products are shipped by Prensil Sas, and delivered by the courier selected by Prensil Sas, to the address indicated by the Customers at the time of registration referred to in the art. 6.1 or to a different address indicated at the time the Order was sent.
8.3 You undertake to do everything in your power to ensure that the Products shipped pursuant to the articles. 8.1 and 8.2 are delivered by selected couriers: - in Italy within 48 hours from the shipping date; - outside Italy within 15 days from the shipping date.
8.4 The delivery terms referred to in art. 8.3, cannot, in any case, be considered binding and Prensil Sas, not being able to directly control the deliveries of the Products following their shipment, cannot be held in any way responsible for their failure to comply.
8.5 In order to allow Customers to follow the status of their Orders, an Order number is generated which, inserted in the “My orders” section - accessible from all pages of the Online Shop - allows them to verify all the relevant information Yes, sir.
8.6 Customers can also check the status of their Orders thanks to the online "Order Tracking" function provided by the courier chosen for delivery. This verification can be carried out by Customers only after shipping the Products and using the tracking data communicated by e-mail or by accessing the Profile.
8.7 Customers, or other subjects appointed by Customers who are at the address indicated for delivery of the Products in the Order Confirmation, are required to verify, at the time of delivery, that: (i) the Products correspond to what is indicated in the courier transport document (DDT) both by number and type; (ii) the packaging/packaging of the Products is intact, not damaged, nor wet or otherwise altered, including the closing materials.
8.8 Any damage to the packaging/packaging of the Products must be immediately contested by the Customers by placing a written control reservation on the courier's proof of delivery. It is understood that, once the courier document has been signed without any objection, Customers can no longer raise any objection with reference to the external characteristics of what has been delivered.
8.9 The Products can be delivered by couriers only to Customers or to persons authorized by them; the person to whom the Products are delivered must sign to certify the delivery. Couriers do not make deliveries to post office boxes or by placing the Products in letterboxes or other similar places.

9. Right of withdrawal
9.1 If the Customers are "consumers" (i.e. a natural person acting for purposes unrelated to any entrepreneurial, commercial, artisanal or professional activity carried out), the Customers have the right, pursuant to and for the purposes of art. 64 of Legislative Decree no. 206/2005, to withdraw from the Sale and Purchase Agreements within 30 days from the date of receipt of the Products covered by the Sale and Purchase Agreements. The right of withdrawal must be exercised by Customers by sending a written communication via e-mail to the address referred to in the art. 15., containing:
(i) the expression of intention to exercise the right of withdrawal;
(ii) the indication of the Order that gave rise to the Sales Contract from which they intend to withdraw.
9.2 In case of exercise by Customers of the right of withdrawal referred to in this art. 9.:
(i) Customers undertake to return the Products within 10 working days from the date of the withdrawal notice referred to in the art. 9.1;
(ii) all costs related to the return of the Products are entirely borne by the Customers, when sent beyond the 14 days foreseen for "easy returns";
(iii) Prensil Sas undertakes to refund the Price as quickly as possible, and in any case within 30 days from the date of receipt of the withdrawal notice referred to in the art. 9.1, provided that:
- the Products have been returned and are intact;
- the original packaging/packaging of the Products is also returned and is intact;
- any accessories, instruction manuals, etc. are also returned and are intact;
- the tax receipt sent with the purchase is returned;
- the Products have not been used;
(iv) will communicate to Customers the methods for reimbursement of the Price and may, for this purpose, request Customers for their bank details (IBAN and account holder).
9.3 If Customers exercise the right of withdrawal in a manner that does not comply with the methods and terms set out in this article 9, and in particular if they do not return the tax receipt proving the purchase, Customers are not entitled to a refund of the Price.
10. Defects / discrepancies in the Products
10.1 If the Products present a guarantee recognized by the manufacturer of the same (commercial/conventional guarantee), any defects/differences in the Products must be reported by the Customers directly to the manufacturer according to the methods and terms indicated in the guarantee itself.
10.2 "Consumer" customers (as defined in art. 9.1) can request from the seller, within the deadline set out in art. 132 of Legislative Decree 206/05 (Consumer Code), the remedies provided by the same Consumer Code for defects in conformity of the Products existing at the time of delivery of the goods.
11. Privacy
11.1 Prensil Sas declares and guarantees that Customers' personal data will be processed in accordance with the provisions of Legislative Decree 196/03, and subsequent amendments. The details relating to the methods of data processing are communicated to Customers at the time of registration pursuant to art. 6.1 or 6.2. More information is available on the privacy policy page .
12. Errors and/or inaccuracies in the Online Shop
12.1 You undertake to constantly check the Online Shop in order to avoid errors or inaccuracies. However, it is possible that the Online Store contains, or may over time contain, errors, inaccuracies or omissions.
12.2 It therefore reserves the right to correct errors, inaccuracies or omissions contained in the Online Shop even after an Order has been sent and also reserves the right to change or update the information at any time without prior communication to Customers.
13. Intellectual Property
13.1 All intellectual property rights connected to the Online Shop (including the contents) are the exclusive property of and/or Prensil Sas; The Online Shop and its contents cannot be reproduced either in whole or in part, transferred by electronic or conventional means, modified, linked and used for any purpose without the prior written consent of Prensil Sas.
14. Applicable law
14.1 The General Conditions and Sales Contracts are governed by Italian law (and in particular by Legislative Decree 206 of 09/06/2005 - which in articles 50 to 67 regulates distance contracts - and by Legislative Decree 70 of 09/09/2005 04/2003 regarding electronic commerce) and must be interpreted in light of this.
14.2 For any dispute that may arise in connection with the General Conditions and/or the Sales Contracts, the court of Chieti will have exclusive jurisdiction.
15. Contacts
15.1 For further information and assistance on the Online Shop or on the purchase methods on the Online Shop or on the Sales and Purchase Agreements, Customers can contact through our customer service by writing to: info@prensil.it or by letter to the address reported below: Prensil Sas – Via Dei Frentani 60, 66100 Chieti, Italy.
8. Shipping and delivery of the Products
8.1 Given that "shipping" of the Products by Prensil Sas means their delivery to the couriers selected from time to time pursuant to art. 8.2, is not required to ship the Products until it has received payment of the Price (except for cash on delivery); once payment of the Price has been received, it undertakes to ship the Products:
(i) in the case of available Products (as defined in art. 4.):
- within 5 working days of receiving the debit authorization communication referred to in 'art. 7.2 in case of payment via PayPal;
(ii) in the case of available Products that have become unavailable (as defined in art. 4.3), within 3 working days from the moment in which such Product or such Products are again available at the Prensil Sas warehouses, without prejudice to the Customer's right to withdraw the Order pursuant to the same art. 4.3;
(iii) in the case of Products "on request" (as defined in art. 4.4.), within 3 working days from the moment they are available at the Prensil Sas warehouses;
(iv) in the case of "customized" Products, (as defined in art. 4.5.), within 3 working days from the moment they are available at the Prensil Sas warehouses;
(v) in the event that the availability of one or more Products is not indicated (as per the option referred to in art. 4.6) and the Products are available at the Prensil Sas warehouses at the time the Order is sent by the Customers:
- within 3 working days of receiving the debit authorization communication referred to in the art. 7.2 in case of payment by credit card;
(vi) in the event that the availability of one or more Products is not indicated (as per the option referred to in art. 4.6) and the Products are not available at the Prensil Sas warehouses at the time the Order is sent by of the Customers, within 3 working days from the moment the Products are available at the Prensil Sas warehouses.
8.2 The shipment of the Products is guaranteed, in the countries indicated in the Online Shop, via express couriers selected from time to time depending on the Product covered by the Order and the place of destination. The Products are shipped by Prensil Sas, and delivered by the courier selected by Prensil Sas, to the address indicated by the Customers at the time of registration referred to in the art. 6.1 or to a different address indicated at the time the Order was sent.
8.3 You undertake to do everything in your power to ensure that the Products shipped pursuant to the articles. 8.1 and 8.2 are delivered by selected couriers: - in Italy within 48 hours from the shipping date; - outside Italy within 15 days from the shipping date.
8.4 The delivery terms referred to in art. 8.3, cannot, in any case, be considered binding and Prensil Sas, not being able to directly control the deliveries of the Products following their shipment, cannot be held in any way responsible for their failure to comply.
8.5 In order to allow Customers to follow the status of their Orders, an Order number is generated which, inserted in the “My orders” section - accessible from all pages of the Online Shop - allows them to verify all the relevant information Yes, sir.
8.6 Customers can also check the status of their Orders thanks to the online "Order Tracking" function provided by the courier chosen for delivery. This verification can be carried out by Customers only after shipping the Products and using the tracking data communicated by e-mail or by accessing the Profile.
8.7 Customers, or other subjects appointed by Customers who are at the address indicated for delivery of the Products in the Order Confirmation, are required to verify, at the time of delivery, that: (i) the Products correspond to what is indicated in the courier transport document (DDT) both by number and type; (ii) the packaging/packaging of the Products is intact, not damaged, nor wet or otherwise altered, including the closing materials.
8.8 Any damage to the packaging/packaging of the Products must be immediately contested by the Customers by placing a written control reservation on the courier's proof of delivery. It is understood that, once the courier document has been signed without any objection, Customers can no longer raise any objection with reference to the external characteristics of what has been delivered.
8.9 The Products can be delivered by couriers only to Customers or to persons authorized by them; the person to whom the Products are delivered must sign to certify the delivery. Couriers do not make deliveries to post office boxes or by placing the Products in letterboxes or other similar places.

9. Right of withdrawal
9.1 If the Customers are "consumers" (i.e. a natural person acting for purposes unrelated to any entrepreneurial, commercial, artisanal or professional activity carried out), the Customers have the right, pursuant to and for the purposes of art. 64 of Legislative Decree no. 206/2005, to withdraw from the Sale and Purchase Agreements within 30 days from the date of receipt of the Products covered by the Sale and Purchase Agreements. The right of withdrawal must be exercised by Customers by sending a written communication via e-mail to the address referred to in the art. 15., containing:
(i) the expression of intention to exercise the right of withdrawal;
(ii) the indication of the Order that gave rise to the Sales Contract from which they intend to withdraw.
9.2 In case of exercise by Customers of the right of withdrawal referred to in this art. 9.:
(i) Customers undertake to return the Products within 10 working days from the date of the withdrawal notice referred to in the art. 9.1;
(ii) all costs related to the return of the Products are entirely borne by the Customers, when sent beyond the 14 days foreseen for "easy returns";
(iii) Prensil Sas undertakes to refund the Price as quickly as possible, and in any case within 30 days from the date of receipt of the withdrawal notice referred to in the art. 9.1, provided that:
- the Products have been returned and are intact;
- the original packaging/packaging of the Products is also returned and is intact;
- any accessories, instruction manuals, etc. are also returned and are intact;
- the tax receipt sent with the purchase is returned;
- the Products have not been used;
(iv) will communicate to Customers the methods for reimbursement of the Price and may, for this purpose, request Customers for their bank details (IBAN and account holder).
9.3 If Customers exercise the right of withdrawal in a manner that does not comply with the methods and terms set out in this article 9, and in particular if they do not return the tax receipt proving the purchase, Customers are not entitled to a refund of the Price.
10. Defects / discrepancies in the Products
10.1 If the Products present a guarantee recognized by the manufacturer of the same (commercial/conventional guarantee), any defects/differences in the Products must be reported by the Customers directly to the manufacturer according to the methods and terms indicated in the guarantee itself.
10.2 "Consumer" customers (as defined in art. 9.1) can request from the seller, within the deadline set out in art. 132 of Legislative Decree 206/05 (Consumer Code), the remedies provided by the same Consumer Code for defects in conformity of the Products existing at the time of delivery of the goods.
11. Privacy
11.1 Prensil Sas declares and guarantees that Customers' personal data will be processed in accordance with the provisions of Legislative Decree 196/03, and subsequent amendments. The details relating to the methods of data processing are communicated to Customers at the time of registration pursuant to art. 6.1 or 6.2. More information is available on the privacy policy page .
12. Errors and/or inaccuracies in the Online Shop
12.1 You undertake to constantly check the Online Shop in order to avoid errors or inaccuracies. However, it is possible that the Online Store contains, or may over time contain, errors, inaccuracies or omissions.
12.2 It therefore reserves the right to correct errors, inaccuracies or omissions contained in the Online Shop even after an Order has been sent and also reserves the right to change or update the information at any time without prior communication to Customers.
13. Intellectual Property
13.1 All intellectual property rights connected to the Online Shop (including the contents) are the exclusive property of and/or Prensil Sas; The Online Shop and its contents cannot be reproduced either in whole or in part, transferred by electronic or conventional means, modified, linked and used for any purpose without the prior written consent of Prensil Sas.
14. Applicable law
14.1 The General Conditions and Sales Contracts are governed by Italian law (and in particular by Legislative Decree 206 of 09/06/2005 - which in articles 50 to 67 regulates distance contracts - and by Legislative Decree 70 of 09/09/2005 04/2003 regarding electronic commerce) and must be interpreted in light of this.
14.2 For any dispute that may arise in connection with the General Conditions and/or the Sales Contracts, the court of Chieti will have exclusive jurisdiction.
15. Contacts
15.1 For further information and assistance on the Online Shop or on the purchase methods on the Online Shop or on the Sales and Purchase Agreements, Customers can contact through our customer service by writing to: info@prensil.it or by letter to the address reported below: Prensil Sas – Via Dei Frentani 60, 66100 Chieti, Italy.


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